DICON provides valuable services at reasonable fees. The savings from preventing one-two additional surgical site infections or just one bloodstream infection will cover the cost of DICON’s annual fee. DICON develops meaningful active partnerships with its member hospitals. We are constantly providing new and valuable services for our DICON hospitals at no additional charge. For example, two new prevention initiatives are added each year and timely meaningful educational materials are sent to member hospitals each month.
DICON helps hospitals and surgery centers to prevent infections and reduce infection rates by providing useful to health care workers at member hospitals and surgery center using uniform surveillance methods and by providing them with regular and timely information on best practices and best technology as well as educational programs on infection control.
DICON member hospitals and surgery centers obtain these valuable services by having easy, immediate, and convenient access to nationally recognized physician-epidemiologist and experienced infection prevention nurses (monthly visits are made by nurse liaison).
The methodologies used in DICON were developed and trialed in the community environment. DICON affiliates receive the following: