
We issue monthly newsletters to keep hospital infection control professionals, nurses, and physicians up-to-date about technical, timely, and important news regarding infection control topics.

Previous DICON Newsletters are listed below as examples of this valuable resource

Date Sort ascending Title
December 2015 White Coats: Time to Go?
November 2015 HotDogs, Bair Huggers, and Lawsuits, Oh My! A brief review of the controversy surrounding perioperative warming methods.
October 2015 IDWeek in Review: The Role of the Inpatient Environment in Transmission of Healthcare-Associated Infections
September 2015 Rethinking Isolation Precautions for Hospital Visitors:One Size doesn't Fit All
August 2015 Pitfalls and Problems Related to the Use of Administrative Coding Data for Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections and for Public Quality Reporting
July 2015 Does treating asymptomatic bacteriuria prior to joint surgery reduce the risk of surgical site infections?
June 2015 Diagnostic Testing for Clostridium difficile Infection
May 2015 Technology-Assisted Direct Observation Methods for Hand Hygiene
April 2015 The Struggle to Improve Hand Hygiene: Don't Wash Your Hands of It.
March 2015 Contaminated Duodenoscopes and CRE Transmission: DICON Response
February 2015 Resources for Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection
January 2015 Antimicrobial lock solutions and central line-associated bloodstream infections