
We issue monthly newsletters to keep hospital infection control professionals, nurses, and physicians up-to-date about technical, timely, and important news regarding infection control topics.

Previous DICON Newsletters are listed below as examples of this valuable resource

Date Sort ascending Title
July 2010 The Long Term Effect of Participation in the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network
June 2010 Pseudo-Infections and Pseudo-Outbreaks: Real Challenges for Infection Control
May 2010 Peri-operative Screening for Staphylococcus aureus: Concerns About a Recently Published Study
April 2010 New Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection: Impact on Infection Control
March 2010 Chlorhexidine-Resistant MRSA: A Harbinger for Future Challenges in Infection Control?
February 2010 Surgical Site Antisepsis: Going Back to Prep School
January 2010 Intravascular Device Safety (Part II): Antimicrobial-Coated Catheters
December 2009 Intravascular Device Safety: Flushing Out The Details
November 2009 Peri-operative Supplemental Oxygen: Surgical Site Infection Prevention or Just Hot Air?
October 2009 Improving Environmental Disinfection: Shedding Light on Novel Approaches to Terminal Cleaning
September 2009 Seasonal and Novel H1N1 "Swine" Influenza Update: Implications for Infection Control
August 2009 Are Health Care Providers Dressed to Kill? The War On White Coats Rages On